We support companies formulating, supporting and implementing their corporate strategies and business models

For sustainable growth, increased turnover or technology leadership!

PTG Solutions: Private Capital – simply more performance


Medium-sized companies as family businesses have the best prerequisites for this! From project financing to strategic participation, PTG therefore consistently focuses on strengthening the capital base of such companies and preparing them for the changed framework conditions brought about by “Economy 4.0”! PTG is optimally aligned to the economic benefit for the customer and, above all, also takes into account the volatility and diversity of the markets. The decisive factor is timely and good preparation for the increased complexity, the necessary know-how, liquidity and targeted openness to new things!

Visions can only be successfully implemented if the present and the future are managed well and profitably.

With international know-how, many years of experience, support at senior level and professional network services, PTG helps:

  • manage the increasing complexity of the upcoming transformation phase,
  • reduce the risk for all stake holders,
  • increase the liquidity leeway,
  • accelerate the development and transformation of a society; and
  • systematically increase the performance of the capital employed. The view from the outside provides new perspectives and valuable feedback that brings concrete information and insights in relation to the previously defined expectations.

Therefore, clear targets are formulated and benchmarks for success are agreed. On this basis, PTG Solutions Plc, impact and added value are assessed and typically remunerated in the form of a performance contribution (i.e. carried interest or increase in PTG’s stake in the company) and a performance-based annual management or advisory fee. This performance promise is linked to the achievement of binding strategic targets such as cash flow, ROI (return on investment), equity ratio and net bank debt. In this way, the performance of the managed company becomes the common and unifying goal of all stakeholderes.

PTG Solutions, Plc: Mastering the course together

As a strategic investor, PTG offers equity plus “contribution in kind” in the form of a broad range of international know-how, industry expertise and network services, which are brought into the companies through active support. The available equity is used more intelligently and effectively for the benefit of the shareholders of PTG Solutions, Plc!

PTG Solutions, Plc, is ready to acquire and integrate strategically sound company to achieve both organic and acquired growth! For this purpose, the company uses the possibilities of private equity, especially mezzanine financing. In addition, PTC enters into strategic participations or finances projects. Entering into strategic participations can always be the preliminary stage to an acquisition. Investments in strategic participations are made through the exercise of voting rights, whereby PTG also acts as a strategic advisor to the management of the target company. When PTG Solutions, Plc acquires a company, the aim is to strengthen or expand its product and service competence by releasing various synergies.

PTG Solutions, Plc, already has a portfolio of 2 medium-sized companies in Germany. These are solidly positioned companies with long-term growth prospects. PTG has taken a 20% strategic stake in the share capital of the first company, while the other company has been integrated into PTG Solutions, Plc

Private capital firms invest in society and benefit from the profits, while the society opens up new opportunities for further development. After all, private capital is more than just providing capital! Private capital companies also invest time and a lot of know-how. PTG develops company strategies, plans expansions and optimises work processes. The extensive networks that private capital companies have at their disposal can also be very helpful for the company. PTG actively influences companies and turns their managers into entrepreneurs! PTG therefore also calls private capital intelligent capital! The long-term investment period of up to 10 years is also important. In this way, the companies and PTG Solutions, Plc, can be linked and benefit from each other.

There are different forms of private capital for the different phases of a company’s life – from venture capital for young companies to traditional buy-out financing. Especially young entrepreneurs with genuine ideas often have a hard time convincing traditional financiers of their visions! If a company has already made a name for itself and wants to expand, add new business areas or expand internationally, growth capital can help. Here, too, not only the financial means for larger production halls or logistical solutions are made available, but at the same time the necessary knowledge is provided by the affiliated companies.

The commitments are intended either as strategic investments with a longer investment horizon as a participation for a later takeover and integration into PTG or as project financing. With these investments, we want to express our confidence in the German SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) sector! At the same time, PTG is also using this time of crisis and upheaval to capitalize on attractive entry opportunity! The projects thus benefit the real economy, maintain and create jobs, create wealth and a substrate for social security contributions and taxes.

While the challenges in the area of societal transformation are particularly high due to climate targets, we see other trends very positive, e.g. for the area of ‘re-shoring’. Companies are drawing the consequences from the problems with supply chains and are starting to regionalise production or produce locally or internally again! This results in great growth potential for medium-sized companies! We think that this reorientation will also be reflected in all business areas of PTG! Therefore, PTG Solutions, Plc, will definitely benefit from all knowledge, technical and financial synergies!

Company can take advantage of projects that they would otherwise miss out on due to lack of capital or funding opportunities! With the help of PTG Solutions, Plc, these companies can implement such projects quickly, pragmatically and effectively! Entrepreneurs take into account the higher cost of this mezzanine capital in their project calculations, which is only for a short period of time. The legal framework can be very individually adapted to the needs of the mezzanine borrower. This creates a high degree of flexibility for the borrower – not only in terms of capital repayment. Through the possibilities of mezzanine financing, the required capital can be made available quickly in a first step, while PTG Solutions, Plc, retains the freedom to decide on a later participation or takeover via the contract design (i.e. conversion of debt capital into equity). PTG Solutions, Plc provides mezzanine capital to medium-sized companies in Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland.

Mezzanine capital is a flexible financing instrument that is a mix of debt and equity. Companies raising mezzanine capital improve their economic equity without giving up decision-making power. In return for the lack of influence, the lender receives a higher return than with other investments.

Investment Officer

Stefan Laternser
Dr. oec. HSG (summa cum laude) in Modern Finance Theory

Studied at the University of St. Gallen, obtaining a lic. oec. HSG in auditing and trust management. He received his doctorate summa cum laude with Prof. Klaus Spremann on a topic of complex bond valuation. His path then led him into the financial markets as an equity and bond analyst and portfolio manager. He was Head of Portfolio Management and Head of Investment Consulting at a major Swiss bank. Afterwards in the management of banks, finally as a CEO. He has been an independent management consultant and financial commentator for 10 years. In his senior management positions, Dr. Laternser distinguished himself as a ‚grow the shop‘ manager, i.e. facilitating and nurturing growth, by the same token given structure to the growing business

Supervisory Boards (Directors)

Brian Gregory
Sara Freemann

PTG Solutions Group Plc
Suite A Bank House 81
St. Judes Road
Egham TW 20 ODF

Company Registration
No: 12873527
United Kingdom

Corporate Secretary (tbc)

Margaretta Corporate

Secretaries Limited
665 Finchley Road
London NW2 2HN
United Kingdom

Legal Adviser/Specialist Lawyer (Solicitors) (tbc)

Stirk Law Limited
Argent House, 5 Goldington Road,
Bedford MK40 3JY

Chartered Accountant (Auditor) (tbc)

Mr. Nemchand Proag, DipA, DipM, BSc (Hon.), ACIM, FCPA, FCCA, ACA, MBA
GPRS Accountants Limited, Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors
Hastingwood Trading Estate, Unit G31
35 Harbour Road, London N18 3HT

Planned and existing market and business areas of the participations or integrated companies

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